Designed a computer vision setup and implemented software to detect objects and estimate their poses in 3D space.
Developed a calibration ROS package to compute the extrinsic parameters between a LiDar and an RGB-D camera. Performed 3D SLAM using RTAB-Map on a Jackal UGV and aligned the color pixel to the point cloud.
C++ROS3D SLAMCalibrationPCL
Assembled markers and caps through pick, place, press, and sort operations sequences.
Controlled a Youbot to pick and place a block with user-specified positions and then simulated it in Coppeliasim.
PythonCoppliasimTrajectory Generation
Built visual odometry with a stereo camera setup that estimates the position and motion of the vehicle.
OpenCVPythonSIFTMotion Estimation
Simulated a planer multi-body dynamics of a jack in the box with external forces and impacts.
PythonLagrangian DynamicsRigid Body TransformImpact Update